Choking occurs when an object gets stuck in the throat or windpipe blocking airflow. You must learn how to use Sonmol Anti Choke Device ahead for choking emergencies. In the blog, you will learn how to do pretraining with Sonmol Choking Rescue Device MFAC-08VA. GET PREPARED FOR CHOKING EMERGENCIES AND SAVE LIFES! In adults, choking is usually caused by food. Young children usually choke on small objects. Choking can be life-threatening. It cuts off oxygen to the brain. If you or someone else is choking, get first aid as soon as possible. If you are pregnant, the situation becomes more urgent. If someone is choking, the first few minutes are critical. This is because if a complete blockage occurs, the longer it takes, the greater the risk of blockage or even death.
Step 1. Assembling Sonmol Anti Choke Device MFAC-08VA
The Anti-Choking Device is designed for lifesaving situations. Please assemble it. Learn and pre-train the device for a fast rescue during an accident.
- Choose a suitable mask for the person you rescue. Note: Unwrap the package to check all the included accessories when you receive them. Note: If the cover or tube unit is deformed or damaged, or the mask airbag leaks after use, please replace it immediately. Any defects may cause the rescue failure.
- Attach the mask unit to the main body.
- Hang or store the device in a visible place that is easy to reach. Keep the device away from children to prevent any potential danger from accidental triggering. You can pre-train the rescuing process to install the masks quickly and efficiently before an emergency arises.
- Always pack with the protective bag with instructions for dust-proofand hang the device in a visible place that is easy to reach. Keep thedevice away from children to prevent any potential danger from acci-dental triggering. You can pretrain the rescuing process to install themasks quickly and efficiently before an emergency arises.
Step 2. Know How to Use Sonmol Anti Choke Device MFAC-08VA
Here is a short instruction:
- Position the victim on a hard surface. Tilt their head back slightly andraise their chin to open their airway.
- Insert the tongue depressing tube with the mask covering and sealing the mouth and nose.
Note: DO NOT KEEP THE MASK SEALED TO THE VICTIM’S FACE FORMORE THAN THREE SECONDS WHEN PERFORMING THE SUCTION PROCESS. - Maintain a safe distance from the cylinder end, then press the orange trigger button to trigger the device. Mind the potential ejection of the cylinder end that may cause injury to your body part or face.
- After these three steps, check the tube inside to confirm whether theblockage has been successfully removed. Please press the popped-upcylinder back to load and repeat the process if the foreign matter hasn’tbeen sucked out.
- Once the debris got dislodged, roll the individual over on their side toallow additional waste and fluid out of the mouth.
For more videos, please view our youtube channel.
Step 3. Know How to Reload Sonmol Anti Choke Device
Put the device upside down on a hard surface and press downward.
Step 4. Store Sonmol Anti Choke Device properply and check regularly
 Recommended spots to store the device: Kitchen
Recommended spots to store the device: Somewhere near your dining table
Recommended spots to store the device: Other places include cars, classrooms, resturants, hotels, and other public places.
Checking frequency: Once a month. Trigger the device once a month to check if the switch is functioning properly.
Thank you for using Sonmol Choking Rescue Device.